get involved

Become a member…

The registration for a Yaoui e.V. membership is possible with our Aufnahmeforular (so far only in German!). Please send the completed and signed form to our contact address, which can be taken from the flyer. For a membership in Yaoui e.V. an annual fee of 18 € is raised. We are happy to have you with us!

Make a donation…

If you would like to make a donation for our work in Yaoui e.V. without becoming a member, please use our bank account:

Volksbank Köln Bonn eG
IBAN: DE20 3806 0186 0503 2660 16

You can always ask us, which projects are precisely supported by Yaoui e.V.

We would like to point out that we draw a contribution receipt only for donations up from 100 €. For a lower amount an account statement is adequate for the revenue office. Therefore the following information must be stated in your bank transfer:

Geldspende für Yaoui e.V. , VR 8706, Amtsgericht Bonn

In case this statement is not being accepted by your tax office, we surely can draw a contribution receipt for you.